CES University of Coimbra

CONFERENCE - September 5, 17:00 h.

"Las luchas por la soberanía en África austral: líneas abisales, historias anticoloniales y artesanías de futuro (As lutas pela soberania na África austral: linhas abissais, histórias anticoloniais e artesanias de futuro)"




Maria Paula Meneses is currently a Principal Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, integrating the Research Group on Democracy, Citizenship and Law (DECIDe). She holds a PhD in Anthropology by Rutgers University (USA).

Among her research topics are postcolonial debates in African contexts, legal pluralism - with a focus on the relationship between the state and 'traditional authorities'-, the relationship between official history, memory(ies) and other narratives of belonging in contemporary identity struggles.

Academic Profile - Opinion articles